1933 - Roosevelt Steals America's Gold
1971 - Nixon Shock: The End of the Phony Gold Standard
1980 - BLS (Bureau of Lies and Statistics) Starts its "Re-adjustment Practice of Changing CPI Definition
Where will this lead us?
To the edge, and then over.
For years America has had the luxury of sleeping as our Ship of State drops lower into the waves, when suddenly the rest of the world living below deck will find their feet in sea water and abandons ship. Then America will wonder how it could happen all so quick.
It's called hyper-inflation and means the destruction of the world monetary system as each country goes into bankruptcy, or if you read either my book or web page, revolution. And after revolution, if there is anything left, most likely war of consolidation, for either Liberty or Tyranny must win in the end.
Not a very bright future unless America re-commits itself to Liberty, because Liberty always trumps Tyranny by virtue of its economic model. There are only two choices, and they must be made, either by us, or on our behalf. And if we abdicate, the decision made for us will not be the one we want, you can be sure of that. It's why no one is allowed to sit out a revolution and everyone is its victim.
I don't want to be Captain Bring Down, but I don't want to lie to you either, because it is in each of our power to make each vote count for something now. And if we fail, eventually we'll be voting with a gun.
Not an attractive choice, but stark and simple when the equation is reduced to its purest question.
Surfs Up America & Via con Dios
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