Here are a few charts of the money printing activities of the central banks of the world compliments of PIMCO and The Washington Blog via Zerohedge. Money Money Money EVERYWHERE, and not a drop for us, because it's all going to keep alive the 2B2Fail banks and government economic central planning gone berserk. If you doubt the veracity of revolution coming at the end of an economic train wreck, you might want to look at these charts and remember the Weimar Republic in 1924, and South America in the 1970's. Remember the debt collapse of 2008? Well, because they didn't do anything but paper over the whole works by backing all that private debt and insolvency with government committments, the problem has been allowed to continue and grow. But now it's become sovereign debt, and its turn to fail, like it did in 2008 is coming, and maybe sooner than we think.
The only answer I can think of is to take back Congress in November, and have Congress take back their constitutional powers and duties per the petition on this website. It's probably not the answer most people would like to contemplate, but it is still the most palatable out of a problem that doesn't have an answer people are going to like.
I have to share with you, that having worked on this actively for the past number of months, if not years, I must admit that the odds do not favor a soft landing, and I think it's going to get ugly. And I hope I am wrong.
Source: Chart lines — Pimco;
Source, The St. Louis Fed
The Bank of England is printing lots of money…..
Source: The BoE
The EU is printing lots of money….
Source: The ECB
Japan is printing lots of money…..
Source: The BoJ
China is printing lots of money…..
Source: The People’s Bank of China
India is printing lots of money…..
Source: Reserve Bank of India
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