Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A World in Turmoil: May 2012 - December 2012

Reuters Exclusive: China considers delay of key party congress: sources
China's ruling Communist Party is seriously considering a delay in its upcoming five-yearly congress by a few months amid internal debate over the size and makeup of its top decision-making body, sources said, as the party struggles to finalize a once-in-a-decade leadership change.   
    The two most senior posts, of president and premier, are not considered in much doubt. But any delay in the congress, no matter the official reason, would likely fuel speculation of infighting over the remaining seats in the nine-member politburo standing committee which calls the shots in China....
    One long-time and well-connected U.S.-based investor in China said there were two ways to interpret a congress delay.
    "One is to say that the leadership is in turmoil and that China is fighting a serious challenge to reform. That will be quite upsetting to the markets, as it may be seen as a challenge from the like-minded allies of Bo Xilai," he said.
    "The second interpretation is that China is trying to cope with the challenges posed by the shift in the global economic order and does not want to move rashly. That is not positive for markets, either," said the investor, who declined to be named.
   No matter how you interpret this, it isn't good.   China is further down the road of the first stage of revolution than anyone suspects.   It is anything but transparent, because it is even more secretive than the government of the United States.    I think it is both interpretations above that are wearing on China.   But let's look at the greater context of the world at large right now.
   Greece and France have just thrown off the status quo, moreso in Greece than France, because the same people are in control, being the France is divided by the political equivilant of our Republican and Democratic Party... what's the difference, Right?   But still, something like 12 out of the 17 governments of Europe have recently changed hands and the Euro is anything but the picture of stability.
   And while were talking about stability, how about the (them Cubbies) dollar.   It doesn't look like a world series contender anymore.  Let's take a closer look at what is transpiring in the world economy...
   The BDI, or Baltic Dry Index, is an index of world shipping rates, which plummeted in January of this year.   This is a very reliable indicator of a major market collapse, much like we saw in 2008, following 8 to 10 months after the fact.   When this occurred in 2007/08, everyone passed off the then collapse in the BDI as a reflection of the addition of a lot of new ships to the index, and now in 2012 they're saying it again.
  Don't buy it.   In 2008, it brought us Quantitative Easing I, then II, then Twist (2.5), and as our markets ride off into the bear market sunset, you can bet the Chairsatan of the Federal Reserve Bank, Ben Bernanke will whip out QEIII by the time the S&P 500 hits 1285, for a 15% loss.  
  QE I bought a 36% rise in the market, QE II bought 24%, Twist brought in 12% to 15%.   So you can figure on QE III bringing in what, 6%?   And that's if the wind is to our backs.   No wonder Presidente' Barry Soetoro (Obama)'s new campaign slogan is "Don't Blame Me" and "Forward" in almost the same breath.
  The syncopant Mass Media (MM) is starting to find it hard to ignore the nonsense coming out of our governments BLS (Bureau of Lies and Statistics), of a falling rate of un-employment, which isn't 8.1%, but at least 11.4%, and really about 16% once you put back the people that quit looking for a job.  And it's worse than that when you remove the death charts that keeps the number of people down that are really still alive.   But then, that's why the industry calls the BLS, the Bureau of Lies and Statisitics.
   Suffice to say, those industry leaders the Mass Media (MM) goes to interview are rebelling and telling it like it is; even their own kind, like Rick Santero in Chicago is getting out of control.  
   Anyway, the thing is, if QE III can only buy a 6% pop and no sizzle, the market for dollars is going to quickly erode.   If you don't think such a thing is possible, I would direct your attention to the move of the G8 meeting from Chicago to the super secure Camp David, where Dr. Evil Dick Cheney directed 9/11 from.   OK, it's out in the open, I know 9/11 was a bunch of crap, there, I said it.   Make your own decision, but then live with the truth.
   The point being is that we are in for one hell of a ride coming up through the end of this year, and not only is China, but Europe AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are all prime for the completion of the First Stage of a Revolution, the TURNING OF THE INTELLECTUALS, where the current government looses its authority to govern.
   We're talking about the end of the dollar as the world's currency here, and the ramifications are staggering.
   Gold and silver?  Yes.   Guns and ammo?   I'm sorry to say, Affirmative.   Getting out of metro areas?  Bingo.   Take a look at Strauss and Howe's "4th Turning".
   America must "front run" our revolution much like Iceland has done, then we can Reset the World, and that is our best case situation.   It can get much much worse than that.
   The number of people starting to sign the petition on this site (http://www.nar2012.com/) is starting to rise, and it is no exaggeration that it can help to empower all 162,000,000 registered American Voters to take back Congress on November 6th.   This would lead to America successfully "front running" our revolution, would restore liberty, and revitalize the Nation.
   No matter how you look at things, the world is in deep trouble.   What are you going to do?
   If you have't signed on to our petition, please do.  And if you know anyone running for Congress, impress upon them that this might be the parade they want to get in front of real fast, and be a part of the "New American Reformation".
   Interesting times we live in....

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