Sunday, December 4, 2011

Answer to a letter from

THIS was written as a comment to a letter, “A Twenty-something Speaks”, from 28 year old “Steak”, to his generation (text not included).

OK Steak, do you really want to know some of the older generations knowledge you asked for in your letter to your generation?   You were doing fine, son, until you hit your second to last concluding paragraph and write:

..."pillars of free living including health, energy, and information. And it is on us to fulfill that potential."

I'm certain you do not understand the economics of freedom, but in brief, it will not be your technology that will deliver the "pillars" of your "free living" standard.  That is an illusion.   That is the promise of your parents that you state earlier doesn't exist, which is true.   But you don't understand why, and if you did, you would understand the futility of your illusion, because the problem is your government, and no technology is going to change that.

In fact, your technology will lanquish unless you change the government of your parents you have inherited.   This is the freedom you desire that will make your freedom through technology possible, unless of course, that is not what you desire.   Because if you ignore the government of your parents, you will have to accepted its economics of tyranny, whose insatiable demand for wealth continually undermines your "pillars of free living".

For if you support your mantra of "consumption is freedom", within our current ruling governmental system, you are going to do it on the backs of most of those around you.   That makes you a syncopant of the ruling elite of your parents, and paid traitor to your fellow Americans, to who you will now have become their willing oppressor.

And unless you have sold your soul, I do not think that this is what you intended, this is what you have said.  And words have meaning.

This is the wisdom of an older generation that I pass along to you.   And I'll fight you if I have to.   But I'd rather work with you, aside from being young, you sound like an O.K. Steak.

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