Friday, December 2, 2011

2.12.11 Serfs Up America

Contract With America: 2012

First Day on the Blog 2/12/11:

Welcome to the New American Revolution.  By now you've read the definition of revolution, it being a governmental bankruptcy; so I am officially welcoming America and the world to this pivotal moment in time we are living in.

Your world might seem secure, but the financial structure that your world is involved in is coming apart at the seams and heading for imminent failure.  Everyday you read about it in the financial news and see it in the markets.  There is a reason gold is trading at $1750/oz.   Financial analyst may argue over when the end is coming, but they increasingly are agreeing that the end, is coming.   The pundits are calling for failure in 1 to 5 years.

Common sense tell us that these issues are going to be a major campaign issue going into the National elections in November 2012, at which time the electoral is going to deliver a mandate; our hopes of which I have tried to explained to the best of my ability.

The reasoning is both technical and fundemental.  The market fundementals are accounting determinations of the worlds ability of carry forward debt service before it engulfs itself and becomes mathmatically impossible to pay for its debt any longer.   The technical analysis is of the indexes, currency, and bond, chart formations indicative of previous disasters.  The reason that charts repeat themselves is because they are a picture of human emotion, and humans are consistent if nothing else.

Finally, our Federal Reserve Bank can be counted on to do one thing and one thing only, and that is to be consistently wrong.  The charts say the time is near, but does the market continue to play out the game to the very end, or is it going to anticipate failure and try to "front-run" the rest of the market and position themselves for the inevitability of failure?  Nature abhors a vacuum.

It is a fine point with a hair trigger.  But once the avalance begins it moves quickly.   I think it is pointless to prepare for order in a disordered market, and therefore believe it is liable to happen sooner than later.  Technically, this would mean a major economic slowdown showing up within the next 13 weeks and running through 2012.   And as mentioned, fundementally, it is a hair trigger.

Keep in touch, Serfs Up America

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